At the New York Market - After a brief and experimental journey into simplified contemporary looks, the Croscill division of ExCell/Croscill/Glenoit has returned to its roots as a design house of rich and opulent bedding, soft window and bath styles."We're again focused on the detailing and embellishment that has always been the backbone of Croscill's look," Daivd North, vp of marketing, told HTT. "We moved away from it for a little while to try some more contemporary, simpler, less ornate looks. But it's what we do best, and retailers have asked us to give them back the Croscill look we've been known for."
As part of the renewed statement, the company shifted its showroom, which is on the 6th floor of 295 Fifth Avenue, to accommodate 19 beds dressed in new Croscill styles, including the silver-and-white Corinthia and the bold black Pomegranate collection, among the many others.The theme translates across to the soft window treatment and bath coordinate categories with equally opulent matching groupings.
"We're using the same philosophy in window and bath in Croscill," North added.In that vein, the company has expanded its offering of free-standing soft window with 42 new lavish looks, all of them displayed in a new section alongside the bedding space.Also new to Croscill this market: the addition of kitchen textiles to its line. As is the case in its core categories, these goods are devoid of basic looks. Instead, all of the pieces - kitchen towels, dishcloths, oven mitts and pot holders - are embellished and/or embroidered terry cloth. Designs span every day to seasonal.
On the ExCell side, the company has created a new utility bath accessory collections that take the business into new categories, including shower shelving and caddies, fabric storage caddies and laundry baskets.Glenoit, the company's rug division, is spotlighting its new Kitchen Kashmere collection of super-soft kitchen accent rugs. "An off-shoot of the comfort kitchen mat," explained Debbie Powell, vp of merchandising, these synthetic Kitchen Kashmere rugs take their touch-and-feel cues from the trendy and soft micro-fiber kitchen towels popular in the marketplace.
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